APD Wholesale is formed to harness Datlabs distribution capability and increase distribution capacity.
Rest of Africa Division is disbanded.
Tigerbrands pull out of being a shareholder and a principal.
Indigenisation proposal submitted for approval.
New Rest of Africa Division Formed. Datlabs responsible for SADC Region.
Indigenisation Act introduced for foreign companies. Datlabs submits proposal for compliance.
End of hyperinflation and introduction of Multi-currency system.
Adcock Ingram demerge from Tiger Brands.
Pharmalabs owned 50/50 by the two companies.
Datlabs owned 50/50 by the two companies through Pharmalabs.
Critical Care needs upgrade of machinery. LVP production suspended to wait for economic upturn.
Adcock Ingram and Datlabs become subsidiaries of Tiger Brands Limited. Additional Brands added from Tiger Brands.
Product and HR rationalisation exercise.
480 Product lines and 586 pople rationalised. Datlabs right-sized to accommodate fewer but more profitabl products.
Phase II Upgrade of the Pharmaceuitical Factory (LCO)
Phase I Upgrade of the Pharmaceuitical Factory (Tabletting)
State of the art Critical Care Factory commissioned.
Datlabs becomes a subsidiary of Pharmalabs Jersey Limited. Ties with Adcock Ingram maintained through Royalty and Technical Agreements.
Partnerships established wtih International Principals:
Company name changes to Datlabs (Private) Lmited.
Crowden Products and D.A.T. Laboratories change to Adcock Ingram (Pvt) Ltd. Sales and Distribution seperated into two, Dart Distributors for consumer products, and Keatings Pharmaceutical for pharmaceutical products. There is consistent manufacture of high quality products.
D.A.T. Laboratories acquires G. Gentner & Company
Assembly and marketing of watches and allied products.
Adcock Ingram Limited purchase Crowden Holdings Limited, the South African parent company of Crowden Products Limited.
Incorporated on the 24th of December as D.A.T. Laboratories.
Company formed as Crowden Products Limited.